
Thimander, Conny - Tenor

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THE NOSE, Royal Opera, Denmark
The Police Inspector with particularly violent tendencies was given strong exposure by Swedish Conny Thimander, a high, piercing tenor in the Russian tradition.
- Information
The interplay is physical and well-oiled, thanks in part to Conny Thimander's rock-solid comic timing in the role of Francis Flute. His tenor sounds nicely focused.
- Tidskriften Opera
Conny Thimander's parody of Lucia di Lammermoor (...) would almost be worth a review of its´ own.
- DN
There are many talented singers here, but I would especially like to mention Conny Thimander in the drag role as Francis Flute.
- Sydsvenskan
TOSCA, Malmö Opera
However none of them displays good acting, except for Conny Thimander as Spoletta. A dribbling and disturbing turncoat who does everything that Scarpia says. A great pleasure to see his acting despite, him being an uncanny slimeball. He is also equipped with a dramatic tenor voice that one can help noticing. It is not very often that you see opera singers who can act as good as this.
- Må
BORIS GODUNOV, Göteborgs Operan
And last but not least Conny Thimander shines in the two roles as Misail and The Holy Fool. Thimander´s scene with the children's choir, the shopping trolley and Tsar Boris is one of the best in the whole show. Great acting by the opera's Holy Fool, the only one who actually dares to tell Boris the truth...
- Göteborgsposten
Conny Thimander with his dramatic tenor voice delivers a memorable interpretation, in reminiscence of the famous Russian tenor Georgii Nelepp. Here the music of Mussorgsky pierces deeply into the soul.
- Borås tidning
Ausgefeilt die schauspielerische Leistung des schwedischen Tenors Conny Thimander.
- Udo Pacolt, Online Merker
Conny Thimander… That is the star of the evening.  
 - Hanna Höglund, Expressen
In weiteren Partien gefallen vor allem … Conny Thimander als liederlich-provokativer Niko. 
- Rheinische Post 
Especially Mythos, vividly played by Conny Thimander, shines with his expressive voice and anxious body language.  
Molly Teleman, NT
Conny Thimander … a natural comic talent, and there seems to be no limits as to how good he can get. 
Lennart Bromander, Aftonbladet
Ausgefeilt die schauspielerische Leistung des schwedischen Tenors Conny Thimander. 
- Udo Pacolt, Online Merker
Every opera manager should take notice of Conny Thimander.   
Who impressed me the most was the tenor soloist and evangelist Conny Thimander … vocal and dynamic range paired with indisputable pitch control and expression was amazingly outstanding.
Conny Thimander is evangelist-journalist with backslick, fiery and thrilling and good.
- Maria Schottenius, DN
Thimander, evangelisten. lekte också med det rumsliga och det dramatiska i sin uppgift som recitativisk berättare. Han sjöng med hela kroppen och skickade ut orden så att det ekade, ibland svagt och fördröjt med mycket allvar och ibland med stor kraft.
- Corren
Conny Thimander makes a fine appearance as a lyrically sensitive Little brother.  
- Karin Helander, SVD
En del behöver jobba lite mer med agerandet än andra, men Conny Thimander har inte bara en mjukt modellerad tenor utan också pajaskonsterna i sig. Som puckelryggen Demo befinner han sig i skarven mellan commedia dell` arte och kommisarie Montalbanos förvirrade konstapel Catarella, ofta i obetalbart samspel med sin handdocka.  
- DN
Conny Thimander as Tamino had an utterly sonorous tenor voice.   
Conny Thimander is brilliant… He is completely in his character and pictures what he sings not just through the words but also through body and soul.  
- Dalarnas Tidning
The acting was peculiarly uninterested with one extraordinary exception in the substitute Conny Thimander…
- NT
Hier sei vor allem … Conny Thimander genannt… In der Beschwörungsszene zwischen Saul und Maga, der Hexe von Endor, ließ er vor dem geistigen Auge des Zuhörers mit bleckender Stimme, schneidigem Glissando, dunkel gefärbten Vokalen und zischenden Konsonanten das Bild einer zahnlosen Vettel mit schwarzem Kater auf dem Buckel entstehen. 
Molto gustose le trovate del balbuziente Demo ventriloquo.  
Giornale della Musica